Monday, April 25, 2011

Am I Smarter than a Toddler? Obviously Not.

Today, I learned that my children are smarter than I am.

Well, kind of.

I guess a more accurate statement would be, "Today I learned that my children think about getting into things that I would never even consider getting into."

I was tired of picking up the Tupperware, the bakeware, the cookware, the underwear (not that panties are normally stored in one's kitchen, but somehow they, too, sometimes make their way into ours every now and then. With children, nothing surprises me anymore.) Anyway, I was tired of picking it up and washing it day after day and putting it away, only to do the same exact thing the very next day. (Could someone remind me what that definition of insanity is again? Just kidding.) So, I thought I outsmarted the twins by installing child locks on all the cabinets within their reach. And once again, my 16-month-old geniuses never cease to amaze me.

(I just had to show you that second photo because my son is his father through-and-through. Apparently, the Holloway men carry a gene that causes them to blink in 99% of the photos they take. It's hilarious and annoying all at once.)

Also, here are some Easter photos:

The plan was to have the babies in matching outfits (just like we do for all special occasions), but as it turns out, The Boy's outfit was just a tad too big. So he got to wear his 3-piece suit instead. Watch out, ladies! We all know there's nothing better than a (tiny) man in a suit...picking roses! For his mother! (Insert delighted girlish squeal and obligatory "Awww!" here.)
Someone (we won't mention Madam's name!) would NOT agree to sit next to her brother like a good girl and have her picture taken. Unfortunately, you can NOT control a woman, no matter what her size is. I'm sorry, Grandma, but this photo is just going to have to do.

Hope everyone had a great Easter weekend!

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