Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Whole LOTTA Strawberries!

I've discovered something that the babies LOVE to do: pick strawberries! So we've been going about once a week for the past three weeks or so and picking a big ol' bucket each time. (Actually, I think more goes into the babies' mouths than in the bucket, but... I think that's the way its supposed to be, right?)

Here are some photos of yesterday's trip. It was extra special, because The Hubster actually got to come with us!

Showing Daddy where the very best berries are!

My two best helpers!

Stopping to sample the merchandise.


Strawberry kisses!! (And this one, of course, is my favorite!)

I just have to tell you how glad I am to be able to share things like this with my children. I can remember picking vegetables in my grandparents' garden when I was little. Being out in the sun, surrounded by so much greenery and watching the twins run and play among the rows of strawberries really makes me remember how blessed I am.

Life is... good. :)

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